Tuesday 16 April 2013

Web Hosting

What Is Hosting?

Although the Internet and Internet protocols have been firmly established for years, many people who would like to run websites have no idea how they work or what is involved in establishing one. To put it simply, the World Wide Web is a collection of networked computers that allows users to access information and audiovisual media in the form of websites. The computers where this information and media are stored and where requests for access are processed are known as servers, and the companies that operate these servers are called Web hosts.

Hosting and the World Wide Web

The World Wide Web, often referred to as the Internet, is a network of independent servers that use standardized protocols to communicate with each other. Linking a computer to the network only requires an active Internet connection and a modem, but making a website available requires a server and a specialized set of software to help with Internet traffic.
A server stores all of the information required for a particular website, and it handles requests to access that information. Requests are sent by individuals who know the website's domain name or address. Entering a domain name or website address into a browser sends a signal to the server that someone would like to access it, and the server responds appropriately to allow for an interactive experience.
Because servers can be expensive and complicated, most website owners use a hosting company rather than their own servers. Many hosting companies consist of dozens or even hundreds of servers, and they have several options available for anyone who wants to operate a website but does not have the money or technical ability to do so.

Starting a Website

The first step in starting a new website is to choose a Domain name. Many people confuse domain names with website addresses, but they are two distinct elements of Internet protocol (IP). An IP address, which is a website's true address, is a numerical value that can be difficult to remember. To make websites more accessible to the public, the numeric IP address is linked to an alphanumeric domain name, which can be much easier to remember and to input into a Web browser.
The next step in starting a website is to choose a hosting company. Many hosting companies can register domain names, and some may provide their clients with free or discounted domain registration. However, domains may also be acquired through independent registrars and used with any hosting company.
After a hosting company and a domain name are chosen, it becomes necessary to determine which type of hosting will be the most advantageous for the purposes of the website. Most hosts offer a variety of hosting packages based on how the server is set up and the software it is running. The most common packages include free hosting, shared hosting, virtual-private-server (VPS) hosting and dedicated hosting.

Shared Hosting

Shared hosting is the most affordable type of hosting package, and some companies offer free service through shared plans. However, shared hosting packages are often very limited or are accompanied by limited guarantees.
With shared hosting, a single server is divided into several partitions, and each partition is available for lease. These partitions share the server's resources on a first-come-first-served basis. This means that, although shared hosting is affordable, it can be unreliable if one partition on the server is hogging all of its resources. Also, shared hosting may not allow for the server to be customized and to run specialized software. In most cases, the only choice of software offered is between a Microsoft operating system (OS) and a Mozilla OS.
Shared hosting is best for personal websites or websites that are not expected to receive much traffic. Business websites may require features that are not available through shared hosting, and some risk is accepted because the server's security is not particular to each partition. In addition, some cheap and free shared hosting plans may force users to accept advertisements or restrict the amount of data that can be shared, which limits the website's independence from its host.

VPS Hosting

VPS hosting is one step above shared hosting. VPS hosts still divide the resources of a single server between partitions, but the maximum amount of resources for each partition is predefined. In addition, a VPS allows for each partition to run a different OS or other software without affecting the other partitions.
The greatest advantages of VPS hosting are that it provides additional flexibility over shared hosting, it is affordably priced compared to dedicated hosting and the availability of resources are guaranteed. The disadvantages of VPS hosting are that it requires a user to possess some technical knowledge about servers and that it still does not provide a user with the server's full resources.
VPS hosting is best for business websites and websites with heavy traffic. Security is improved over shared hosting, and proprietary business software can be installed on the VPS. For all intents and purposes, a VPS is a private server even though the hardware is shared.

Dedicated Hosting

Dedicated hosting is the most powerful type of hosting available. It allows clients to lease servers all to themselves. No other websites are hosted on a dedicated server other than those of a single client, and the user has full access to the server's resources, including processing power, memory and bandwidth.
The two primary downsides to dedicated hosting are that it is the most expensive hosting package available and that it requires a great deal of technical expertise. However, most companies that offer dedicated hosting will manage the server for an additional fee.
Dedicated hosting is the perfect solution for large businesses, enterprise software or those who want the additional privacy and security afforded by separate hardware. Businesses or individuals who require extensive customization will also want to go with dedicated hosting. A business's IT personnel has full access to a dedicated server through a virtual control panel, but a dedicated server with managed hosting may actually be more affordable than using a fulltime IT staff.

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